The following is a partial list of programs Michael offers.

For Individuals and Couples:

To Honor A Loved One – A two or three day workshop or retreat applying Michael’s Honor Window work to a loved one for the duration of the event.

For Women: – Support for women seeking deeper connection and romance with their man.  Listen to free audios, watch free videos and see the power of Michael’s work applied to your romantic relationship and your understanding of yourself and the men in your life.  Michael also accepts a very limited number of personal clients per year, preferring to support mothers facing incredibly challenging family crises (see Rachael’s Miracle).

Graceful Warriors Retreat (a customized iStand, previously called, Power of Pure Love Retreat) – Stand powerfully as a visionary woman, who dances gracefully with a vision born of her heart.

For Organizations, Businesses and Entrepreneurs:

Honor Window Introductory Presentation for Business (1-3 Hours)
Honor Window Intensive (2-3 Days)
Honor Window Facilitator Training

Inner Conflict Introductory Presentation (1-3 Hours)
Inner Conflict Intensive (2-3 Days)
Inner Conflict Facilitator Training

Visionary Mind 1-Day Workshop
Visionary Mind Weekend Workshop

Visionary Leadership Boot Camp (iStand) for Leadership Teams